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Writing Posts:warning, this is a rant...


TONMO Supporter
Mar 15, 2003
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Ok...I think I have had enough of reading posts that come off like they were written by a kindergardener...please, I am begging you, use punctuation and spell at least somewhat correctly...all of us make mistakes from time to time while typing, but this "tel me wat i cn du 2 kep a bemac n a 10 gln tank" is really getting to be too much.
Dr. O'Shea commented once that it seemed that the post by a member had been written on his cellphone...beep beep...for a while it is ok...but trying to struggle through post after post of the same verbage is killing me.

Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings...but enough is enough.

I am not singling anyone out...especially you, Clownfish !!!! All of the people who post just need to remember that to get an answer, the question must be framed correctly!

Greg's got a point, it is easier for some of us to read old fashioned sentences with all the vowels. It's been a while since Steve or TTF put on the grammar teacher's cap - we were due!

Clownfish, don't go away discouraged, it's not only you.

I'd have to agree with you, there are too many posts with internet slang and it makes it rather hard to read and understand. I'm no innocent either...
Hell, everyone goofs up with grammer sometimes...It's just that some poeple know that what he/she wrote has tons of spelling and grammer mistakes and doesn't bother...
How about keeping on the thread topics while we're at it? :wink2:

I understand. I swear I almost slapped the first person who wrote at me using Haxor out of spite, like I wouldn't figure that out. I can read about six or seven languages - substituing numbers for letters can't fool me.

Well, I think we could all be arrested by the grammar police at times. I think, however, that you do make a good point.


"I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day
I don't want to play
I just want to bang on the drum all day"

- Todd Rundgren
Fujisawas Sake said:
I understand. I swear I almost slapped the first person who wrote at me using Haxor out of spite, like I wouldn't figure that out. I can read about six or seven languages - substituing numbers for letters can't fool me.
Haha i agree.
Grammar confession...

I noticed I had used "their" for "there" in a post yesterday.

I am ashamed (and someone quoted it, so editing it can't erase my crime)...


:cthulhu: forgive me...
My main problems are that while my brain can spell and do grammer, my fingers can't PLUS the connections between the two are routed via outer siberia so someties there's a lag between the thought, the writing, spotting the problem and attempting to corect it......sea????



PS I'm just a iggerant, socially maladapted marine biology student........what's Haxor???????? :oops:
I'm with Jean on this (not counting the marine biology student part - for which my dear mother will always hang her head in shame :wink2:). Also, the keyboard on my Mac seems to want to input multiple letters when I'm only touching it once. For instance, I'll hiit the "t" once and then get "tttt". Hey, it just happened again with "hit" in the last sentence!
Jean said:
PS I'm just a iggerant, socially maladapted marine biology student........what's Haxor???????? :oops:

I'm not sure, but it's probably a dialect of leet, aka l33t. A bunch of hackers and other computer geeks have sort of developed their own language where they susbtitute non-alphabetic characters and use other abreviations in English words. For instance, at Defcon last year (an annual hacker convention that takes place in Las Vegas) the team that won the capture the flag contest called themselves "sk33l of r00t" or "School of Root". Incidently, these happen to be a group of fella's at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey.

The name "leet" supposedly comes from the word "elite", it's a sort of pride kind of deal with them. But yeah, it's an annoying "language". Although, id10t$ makes a great temporary password. :wink2:

Oh yeah, here's the wiki link:
Leet - Wikipedia

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