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Wow, Giant Squid are Endangered Species? And Cannibals?


Hmmmm. We speaketh naught but the truth down under ... we just put a spin on things. The 'cannibalism' release has actually been 'released' a number of times, but was never picked up (it's mentioned in the New Scientist article, and I recall somewhere on the BBC site also).

Must have been a quiet news day.

Kat's omission was a tad bad (it was in the release). Call it karma .... my Neil D poster remains MIA.
Steve O'Shea said:
Call it karma .... my Neil D poster remains MIA.

Is she just being cruel, or is she trying to help you? I have oodles of respect for you, but this Neil Diamond thing? C'mon, Steve.

I got a song been on my mind
And the tune can be sung and the words all rhyme
Deedle-ee deet deet deet deet deet deet deet dee dee


Not suited to a man of your intellect. :wink2:
Ahhhh, but that's commercial nonsense - even I don't listen to that; it's the stuff they don't play on the radio - the man bares his soul to the world. Exposing one's vulnerability is an incredibly difficult thing to do.

Go find a quiet place, then listen to "I am I said", or "Be", and you tell me, honestly, whether it moved you or not.
tonmo said:
Good coverage! Congrats Steve and Kat, keep up the good work under there...

Ta T ... we're scheming away on other things right now.
I didn't think the report of cannibalism was spurious; I was more referring to the characterization of the 'giant squid' (which appears to be referring to any squid bigger than a breadbox) as an endangered species. :P I was under the impression that we had to at least have a vague idea of how many of something there were before they could be considered endangered! :lol:

To your point... There's a new news story on the front page of TONMO.com about fishermen who catch some Humbolt... they observed one stuck on a line, being attacked by its own brethren!
.... but giant squid eating each other ..... we do mention cannibalism, but we don't go anywhere near 'eating each other', as in pointy- to branching ends. Sigh. What have we started?

Off to hide.
.... but giant squid eating each other ..... we do mention cannibalism, but we don't go anywhere near 'eating each other', as in pointy- to branching ends. Sigh. What have we started?

Well Notototodarus do munch the lot! But then I think they're a lot more predatory in general than Archi My :twocents: worth!

BTW t'was in the new here yesterday too check out



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