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what do you have and how much do you have in your ceph set up

75g Oceanic tank w/hood, light, and stand $300
20H g sump tank $20
Skimmer $150
700gph pump $80
Marineland overflow $90
Mat'l for abandoned DIY overflow $30
Oolitic substrate (1") $60
Varying sands for DSB $60
Live rock (~35 lb) $160

Total: $950

Probably some other stuff I forgot about, too.

Still to buy:

octo & clams

ive got you all beat i just bought 1000 square acres of prime reef in the phillippines! that cost about oh 50,000,000 jk i wish im setting up a 75 and i think over all will have spent about 500 bucks cause im one of those people who are too cheap to buy real products and make my own for a fraction of the cost!
I'm going to keep this poll and lists of equipment at the top of the Tank Talk forum for a while - lots of interesting information and will be valuable for people getting started, too.

Just getting started

I was just looking over all the expenses. It's committment...but worth it!
I was just wondering whether anyone had any advice on resources where to order/purchase a tank for starters. I've been looking on eBay and other smaller sites but was wondering if there was somewhere recommended price and quality wise.

If you are going to buy a tank for octos...buy a brand new one from your local lfs...try to find one that sells the actual aquarium grade tank, (with 3/8 " glass...not the thin stuff)...and be prepared to pay a bit more. It is worth it in the long run...I have had some of my tanks for over three decades, without a leak !

p.s. if I added up all that I spend, I would probably come unglued...so I am going to be like an ostrich on this bit...
:shock: Oh man, I was just starting to think seriously about setting up a tank (probably won't get a better chance than I have now, living close enough to the ocean to get some direct supplies) but I'll have to see if I can do it on a record low budget...
I got my stuff over the course of 6 months to a year. If you're willing to wait and do it that way, you can get by only spending about $100 a month on it.

even though my tank isnt ceph realated it was extremly expensive
1000gal tank(pumps were built in this tank was a custom built one from aquarium design group and this tank now goes for 25k and up)-16,000$
live sand 200$
white tip reef shark-2000$
black tip reef shark-1500$
person who did tank matinence-580/wk
now i dont have this tank anymore i have since sold it but it was an awsome experience i mostly have experience with sharks/rays i sold my shark(blacktip) to the aquarium of the americas and my white tip went to a guy who had an 8000gal shark tank in galveston. i sold my aquarium to my lfs and it is still there(no one has room lol) the matinence is what was ridiculous i mean it was a lot of work keeping those things almost a daily thing and they had to be fed large prey items and i had to change both protein skimmers and each one is like 3ft tall but it was an amazing experience i plan on buying a 400 or 500 to house a GPO in the future and see how that goes.
Hi HL,

I wonder if 500 gal (US I'm assuming) will be enough for a GPO. (Does anyone know????) The reason I wonder is that 500 gal US is 1,892.7059 L (approximately :grin: ) and we keep our Pinnoctopus cordiformis in a 3600L tank. This is a smaller species (gets to roughly 2m across the arms and ~10kg weight) but it needs every centimetre of that space!

Just a thought!


75 gallon overflow tank,strip light,glass top $330
20 gallon custom wet/dry sump filter $199.95
Quiet One 980gph pump $119.95
ESU 125gal. skimmer $199.95
live sand $49.98
salt mix $41.95
hydrometer $13.89
tank stand $170.95
overflow kit $59.95
90lbs. live rock $445.5
110 gallons RO water $90.16
plumbing supplies ~$130
water mixing tub $15

Total including tax== $1978.46

Having a pet octopus: PRICELESS!!!
I know what you mean Mr Crabs! Im 16 too - mine is a 5 foot (though i have recently opted to use this for fish and my 4 foot side by side fuge for a small tropical ceph species - mestus etc) - i dont want to add it all up but for the 5 foot tank, the 3 foot sump, the 150kg live rock, the halides, all the corals, and now the 4 foot fuge i am doing...(the whole thing is probably over 1800...errrr (wow) - i just wont think about it!) which is pretty much my life savings haha!!!...worth every cent!
i havent spent a euro yet (or a dollar) for equipment....
how come some ppl have a short list of stuff, and other a BIG LONG list?? whats the least you need??
whats an overflow box?
do i need pump+filter+protein skimmer???
ye i know i have a lot of questions....but o well you know all about it !
please help !
Guess in the past, I have always made my octo tanks as simple and secure as possible.
Setup stats:
40gal Glass tank with one overflow: $90.00
Glass top: $25.00
U.S. Aquarium wet/dry filter with PS: $255.00
Rio pumps and powerheads: $220.00
Lights (2):$125.00
Live rock: $75.00
Surgar Sand and RO water: $75.00

I have a 40gal glass tank, with a wet/dry system good for a 100 gal tank. I run the entire system like it is a 100gal tank, keeps the water fresh and clean.

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