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Wanted giant pacific octopus!!!!!

Todd H

Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
I am in desperate NEED of a juvenile giant pacific octopus.
The one that I had died and I have to find a new one. I have a 250
gallon puget sound marine tank. It is built in the wall in my house,
and looks very empty without my best friend, the giant pacific octopus.

If anyone knows where I can find one, PLEASE contact me!
best bet is probably to see if you gat make a trip to the coast and go crabbin'...unless you have connections with a university or oganization....then you get buy one through them.
I'm sorry but GPO's aren't easy to acquire. They also require large amounts of food and a chilled environment.

Howabout trying other octos instead like bimacs or a Cyanea. Both are active during the day have good colour changes and attitudes... Best would be to get a bimac as they are captive bred in California and are quite used to humans.
Maybe you could contact organizations of divers in the area. They encounter GPOs and could perhaps find one for you.

Also, ask the Seattle Aquarium for advice - they seem to specialize in GPOs.

Nancy said:
Maybe you could contact organizations of divers in the area. They encounter GPOs and could perhaps find one for you.

Also, ask the Seattle Aquarium for advice - they seem to specialize in GPOs.

I have tried the divers with no luck. Thanks for the
Seattle aquarium idea.
I live in Olympia, WA and I scuba dive.
I am willing to find you one.
Let me know if you are still interested and where you live.
And I can see what I can do.
I realize that eventually I would probally have to release the GPO
back into the ocean. But before that happend I might be able to have
2 to 4 years of enjoyment.( I have friends that dive and know of
good holmes) The diving friends just dont come accross juvinials
very often.

Thanks for the help
if you live near...

i can get you one for a lot less than the normal price if you email me ill get you one in great shape. :D :D :D

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