TONMOCON III - volunteers


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
If there is anyone willing to help me with some logistics for TONMOCON III, I'd be grateful. Below is a list of some of the things that need to be tackled. If you're inclined to take any of these on, please PM me and let me know your interest. Thanks!

1) Proposing, and nailing down the agenda for the Saturday presentations -- this is important. The agenda is key, and needs to be "tight but loose", just like Led Zeppelin. :smile: :old: Requires understanding presentation content, reaching out to presenters to make sure folks are aligned on presentation order, materials, logistics, etc. Also requires working with me to approve agenda.

2) Proposing, and nailing down the venue for the Friday night reception. We typically meet up at some place that serves simple bar food and drinks, is social, and is convenient to the key location. Requires researching venues, probably making a phone call or two to make sure the place is ready for our arrival (i.e., if there's going to be like 30 of us, it's best to give the restaurant / bar a heads-up).

3) MBARI coordination. For example, in 2005, some folks were able to visit Dr. Gilly's lab on the Sunday following the event, thanks to the support of Dr. Gilly. We also had some great speakers join us, so this should be coordinated along with #1.

4) "Other" activities. Saturday night plans, name tags, photo album, etc.

I think we'll live stream the event via I'll probably be coordinating that as I'm already looking into that site in association with

Thanks again!

I'll help out as much as I can. I know Erich and Tom are going to do a talk about art, and I will be doing a bit of filmwork (nix on the beach movie...I think Erich wants to do it in a different fashion) , but I should have some free time available.
I'm happy to help out, but I don't know that I'll be particularly good at any of those tasks. I might be able to contact some people to ask for talks/tours/etc. I noticed on the yahoo ceph list that James Wood is moving to Long Beach, so perhaps he'd be willing to participate somehow, and of course Roy Caldwell and Drs Gilly and Hochberg seem like people to ask. Maybe asking Roger Hanlon for permission to show some of his videos would be good as well.

I'd like to arrange some sort of a science round table or Q&A or something... but I'm not sure what that would look like, we certainly don't have a way to do peer-reviewed papers. Maybe we could/should encourage the profs to invite their grad students to bring posters they've shown at scientific conferences.
Maybe someone who lives there (Pipsquek?) could check out the eating/drinking facilities there at the motel, or in the immediate walking vicinity. I think we should cut down on the potential for drinking and driving as much as possible. There will always be some people who could be prevailed upon to be designated drivers, but it would be nice if no one had to.
I'm willing to work phones to get any of this done. I made a lot of phone calls for Tonmocon I, and Sorseress did the same for Tonmocon II. I'm good at this, and if Steve is going to speak again, it'll be fairly easy to sell this, particularly with MBARI. However, it was other members who got the Gilly and MBARI contacts last time. Particularly with MBARI, us outside plebes don't have much pull.

On a seperate note, I need to work out the presentation I'm making with Tom, and/or Greg. Sorry about Innsmouth A Go-Go, but with my recent health troubles, probably not the best time to do that, although I'm still down with a longer-term project.
I just PMed Humberto, who posted a first post about the octopus video Tony added recently, who is associated in some way with the aquarium. I hope he can be helpful in contacts for the aquarium. For MBARI, I expect Mucktopus can be helpful, even though she's out of the country for the actual event. I seem to recall Melissa being pretty active in getting things put together last time in Monterey; perhaps she'll resurface and help again? She's been fun at both I and II, so I really Hope she'll be able to attend again. I'm happy to email or call folks as well as needed. Also, Dr. Wood announced on the ceph list that he's moving to the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific this month, so perhaps he'd be willing to come up and give a presentation...
I'll certainly be happy to work phones too. I have one of the unlimited long distance plans, so it would be free, problem is, I have no clout with anybody!

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