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TONMO.com Chat Event, 9pm ET


Staff member
Site Owner
May 30, 2000
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FYI, I just added a Chat event to the calendar... 9pm ET on Wednesday, thought it might be fun to gather in the chat room if anyone's inclined... see you there, perhaps!
I'm absolutely hopeless at figuring out time differences. What would 9pm Wednesday Tonmo time be my time in Sydney? Probably Thursday morning? Working stuff like that out makes me dizzy.
In Perth Australia the chat will begin on Tuesday, 9am local time... hope that helps!
for sydney 11 am, Thursday..... crossing the date line US to Japan is jumping ahead
er, yeah, what they said... was jumping ahead from today, not using my noggin on this Labor Day :roll: :bonk:
Labour Day? That's a public holiday for you guys, right? Enjoy! :cheers:
Ponders.... Why is "labour" day a holiday? Shouldn't it be "lazing about" day? :lol: I'm having my own small L labour day, in the office... as usual.
Oops, I thought the chat was today at 9 p.m. ET. Anyway, just curious: How come when I entered the Chat Room to see if anyone was there, it immediately told me my chat session had expired? Doesn't it wuv me? :cry:
sorry about the confusion!

Well, I just tried it out, and it worked fine... in fact, because all chat messages stay online for 1 hour after you post them in the room (can never stress that enough), I was able to see that you successfully entered the room around the top of the hour. So it seems you made it in OK as well!

See you there Wednesday at 9pm Eastern! :wink2:
Wow...this time stuff can be confusing!!! It's even crazy for us, since we are the only state that never uses daylight savings...ah well.
tonmo said:
sorry about the confusion!

Well, I just tried it out, and it worked fine... in fact, because all chat messages stay online for 1 hour after you post them in the room (can never stress that enough), I was able to see that you successfully entered the room around the top of the hour. So it seems you made it in OK as well!

See you there Wednesday at 9pm Eastern! :wink2:

I still don't understand how this works. I just tried to enter the chatroom as a test, and when I did I got the same "Sorry. your chat session has expired" message. There was nowhere for me to leave a message, and now the announcement on the forum menu says I'm chatting, when I obviously ain't. :?

So if it tells you your chat session has expired unless someone else is chatting, how does the first person to sign on get into the chatroom? And how can s/he leave a message there other than his/her "cyber-footprint"?

This is more confusing than Schrödinger's Cat! Think I'm goin' for a drive on the Möbius Strip and drowning my sorrows in a Klein Bottle....

here's an idea................

I havn't managed to reach nancy yet to discuss this but......

9pm tony's time is 2AM here for me which is 8pm for nancy

So i am going to make sure that I am about online and in the chat room for 10pm my time, 5pm for Tony and 4pm for nancy..i wanted to join in the real chat but 2AM is way to drunk..... i mean er... late for me (i'm off work tomorrow :) )

so anyway, if you sign on check the chat room and I'll try to get Nancy to get in too!


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