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This is the real trickey part.

Burstsovenergy24 said:
What? Spam and Egg nog?


NickA5582 said:
If it's wearing a skirt, wouldn't you just assume that it's a girl, or would you think it's possible to have a transvestite octopus?

That's a good point Nick. I think Um...'s losing it. :heee:

Let us never forget the lessons taught to us by The Crying Game.
So the crying game was actually about spam? :bugout:

Actually ant, i think spam is a perfect fit..... :lol:
Good one. They don't seem to be as disappointing as they used to be, though. I hear they're cranking out a new version of The Punisher for us. Yee-haw!
i like the original....maybe im a fan of Dolph.... there is a song in that movie ive been trying to track down in some format, vinyl/8-track/tape/cd/mp3/anything for so long....

"Winning isn't everything, its the only thing..."
Yeah, I don't see Thomas Jane fitting the role as well as Dolph.

I'm still waiting for some good Nick Fury to come along.
Plus i hate Travolta..... but i think we need to probably reign our tangent inwards... :(

hey, if Spam doesnt work out for a name, what about Drago?

Little known fact: I was Lundgren's body double in Rocky IV.... :wink2:

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