A Long overdue update. I still have 5 cuttles, 3 from the orginal batch, 2 from a different clutch that are 3 weeks younger. Last week I moved them out of my breeder and into a 5 gallon section that I use to grow out Mollie Fry, key word is I used to grow out Mollie fry in there, as the little predators devoured 35 new born Mollies over night, and started to make a dent in the 1" long group... They still get live Mysids, as well as live Cherry Shrimp when I'm culling, but I have finally reached a mile stone. All Five will take PE Mysis off of a "Stealth Stick," and my largest will even take frozen Mysids off of the bottom of the tank.
This mile stone will take much pressure off of my Mysid tanks, as I have eggs arriving next week in an attempt to get my breeding project off to a diverse start, I also have 100 fiddler crabs arriving so we will see how those go.
I am in talks with a wholesaler to get setup so I can bring in ghost shrimp as feeders, as I haven't been able to find one retailer who imports the into Canada, and well trying to find the truly saltwater grass shrimp is completely impossible up here. In my talks with FedEx it appears as long as it is produced in the US it is fish and wildlife excempt, and they will ship to me, but most vendors don't want to take this risk. I am even considering setting up a tank just to rear peppermint shrimp, as they are available up here and their larval stages aren't too difficult to get to settle.
Ive been in talks with livebrineshirmp to get her shrimp and micro crabs but so far I can only get them as far as Montana, so I may be looking at a 16 hr round trip, trip, to get some good food for my little guys. If I can get the tank cleaned up a bit I'll probably take a video tomorrow of them feeding, but since it has just been used for Grow out, and is hooked into my larger system, its pretty scummy.