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Sure is a recluisve thing


Jul 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not like the cali ocots at all.
its been 3 days and i have caught him out of his hole twice
and both times he slides under whatever rock he is on and eyeballs me till i leave.
hes eating things i see the bits and pieces.
he has not even gone near the castle.
was trying to come up with a way to get the blue damsles out of there.
even though he is more agressive then Megas I think they might be making him nervous.
Well, your little octo is shy, as most of the young ones all. Give him some time. And yes, get rid of the damsels. He will change dens a number of times as he grows and will eventually appreciate his castle.

Nancy said:
Well, your little octo is shy, as most of the young ones all. Give him some time. And yes, get rid of the damsels. He will change dens a number of times as he grows and will eventually appreciate his castle.

becouse ya know castles dont grow on trees.:lol:

on a serius note, remember that octos arent exacly the most socible creatures durong the first parto f their life. how would you feel if someone stuck you in a tank with new surrondings and such. he just needs some time to vent.


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