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Steve Sighting!

Dec 24, 2002
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Hey all!

So I was watching animal planet's "The Most Extreme" tonight, and the subject turned toward the "Extreme" giant squid. And there he was - in a non-speaking role - Our very own Steve O' Shea! He was in a dark room poking at a dead squid (without gloves... Figured his wife made him scrub for a long time after that).

I was thinking... For those people that watch the Discovery Channel, we need to create a Steve O'Shea drinking game. Simple rules:

See Steve, have a drink.

If he has a speaking role, drink another.

If Steve is featured with a squid, drink one drink.

If he mentions deep sea corals, you're watching the extras on the "Blue Planet" DVD and you drink two.

If you see TWO Steve O'Sheas then maybe you should cut down on the drinking.

If Steve suddenly turns into a little green flying squid, then you have been into the absinthe, and may Poseidon help you.

Beer and Curry (a Steve O'Shea staple),


"One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, FLOOR"
Sounds good to me, though surely we can think of some more:

Mention of bizarre squid sex is definitely another drink!
Talking about how the press over-exaggerates Archi's size, another drink.
Mention of how screwed over the worlds oceans are, a solemn moment for thought and reflection.

Common people, think! I haven't seen this program yet, but definitely look forward to it!

I was rummaging through the bush yesterday, in gumboots, carrying my ever-present bucket and butterfly net, when I noticed some folk loitering around a car down on the road. Crashing through bush, down the hill, arse over kite, cursing, hollering and threatening like mad, bucket, net and gumboot in hand, Super-Steve, the meanest and most foul-mouthed yeti-monster you ever did meet, prevented the theft, but not before the sods smashed the window and sped off in a cloud of dust. That's one "Steve sighting" those little punks will not forget. Should be worth a few drinks in a game!
If steve threatens you with a bucket and net take 4 drinks and consider giving up life of crime.

Steve with dead squid take 2 drinks

Steve and Kat take 2 drinks.

steve with neil diamond playing in the background go barf.
To drink or not to drink...

Steve with various roadkilled animals skulls awaiting the flesh to rot off...ummm...this one could go either way, really.
Fujisawas Sake said:
So I was watching animal planet's "The Most Extreme" tonight, and the subject turned toward the "Extreme" giant squid. And there he was - in a non-speaking role - Our very own Steve O' Shea! He was in a dark room poking at a dead squid (without gloves... Figured his wife made him scrub for a long time after that).

Interesting, John-san.... last week I saw a more recent episode of THE MOST EXTREME where the defunct squiddy was a Colossal, not a Giant. I remember thinking, "A-ha, they finally updated their sensationalism.... now they're postulating 40 ft. Messies instead of 60 ft. Archis." Also, the NZ footage in this one was of a brightly-lit lab, mostly featuring Kat, with a bit of Steve-O in the background.

You were most likely watching a re-run of the earlier MOST EXTREME episode. which was filmed before Messie was officially declared the Biggest and Baddest of the Usual Suspects.

Tan Ninja Da Nasty
(who went 'n' bought herself an abominadorable li'l Plush Cthulhu for Chrismukkwanzaa!)
How many drinks is it if Steve gets overly personal with the squid on mtv?
Enough to knock you out just to forget! Oh how I wish I never did that segment!!
Don't worry.... i think the show is no longer on the air and besides, they didnt show that episode more than 2-3 times.....

:oshea: + :squid: = :tentacle: :sly:

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