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Steve back online

Whew boy...now you KNOW the Neil bashing is going to go haywire!!
Have a great time at work, DR. SOS ! We'll miss ya!
Go do all that interesting, wonderful stuff, and yes, come back and tell us all about it!

Glad I didn't wait to ask about that mystery shell - I'm making sure my toes are well covered at night!

Good Luck SOS,

I am not jealous,I am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealousI am not jealous

Yes I am, :roll: I'm stuck doing office work........................ :bugout:

Will need many reports when you're back so i can live vicariously :bonk:

... righteo, I'm outa here ... gonna go catch some squid!

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