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Scottish Gaelic for Octopus


May 12, 2007
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I am in the process of acquiring a new sailboat and would like to name it the scottish gaelic word for octopus. I cannot find anything using the google on the internets. I'm no web jockey. Can someone help?
Cephs were not a big part of life in the british isles so far as I know, if they were, why octo rather than squid?
when seraching here for the string "octo". i found the following:



but both results were from:
Fockleyr Gaelg - Baarle (Manx Gaelic)

no idea about accuracy....
One of the girls that i work with is fluent in gaelic and I will ask her on Monday when I see her.

Cephalopods are often quite a big thing in the UK. Eledone and Sepia species are commonly caught for food and have done so for years and years. Also, its only a couple of years since Architeuthis was caught here too.

WK, Manx gaelic would be from the Isle of Man which is between Ireland and England in the Irish Sea. There are a few versions of gaelic and I think the Scots would be different but I'll find out for sure...
well, so far i have failed, or at least my Gaelic speaking friend has failed LOL - I haven't given up yet
According to The Dictionary of the Scottish Language Dictionaries of the Scots Language :: DSL Online version 3.0

octopus translates as Polipus, polipys or maybe even polup

Polipus, -pys, n. Also: ? polup. [ME and e.m.E. polipus (Trevisa), -lippus (c 1520), L. pol-, p?lypus, from the Gk., cuttle-fish, tumour; also ME polipp- (c 1400) tumour, e.m.E. polipe (1583) octopus , F. polype, OF polipe (c 1265), and e.m.E. pulpe (1601), poulpe (1681), MF poulpe (1546, Rabelais).] A polypus, a cuttle-fish or an octopus . — [Empt … .j turbo, j leing, xxiiij polupj; 1525 Household Bks. Jas. V 21. Empt … .in merlingis, polupis, kipperis; 1526 Ib. 55.] The lapstar feares for polipus & polipus againe For congre eill feares; James VI Poems 121/64. Enuye … quho restleslie doth gnau her self auay Lyke famisht polipus [v.r. polipys]; Ib. 179/621.

Och aye! Harrish yn oayllys ain....

Other Translations for "octopus"

Morse Code: --- -.-. - --- .--. ..- ...
Binary: 1101111 1100011 1110100 1101111 1110000 1110101 1110011
Hex: 6F63746F707573
Pig Latin: octopusway
I was reading about the Dictionary of the Scottish Language - the Scottish Language is a dialect of English, so isn't Gaelic - useful to add to our list, but not Gaelic. We still need to find the Gaelic for octopus!

It would be interesting to collect the word for octopus in many languages! Any more contributions?

ob;95432 said:
Och aye! Harrish yn oayllys ain....

Other Translations for "octopus"

Morse Code: --- -.-. - --- .--. ..- ...
Binary: 1101111 1100011 1110100 1101111 1110000 1110101 1110011
Hex: 6F63746F707573
Pig Latin: octopusway

wouldn't the igpay atinlay for octopus be ctopusoay?

Take your point Nancy!


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