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(Renamed) Kat out on MBARI's Western Flyer


Staff member
Nov 19, 2002
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Hopefully this doesn't jinx me, but... chances are good that I'll be seeing some live deep-sea cephs fairly soon! I've been invited to join a MBARI research cruise on the Western Flyer, 22-28 March, which will be operating ROVs and other cool gadgets. The expedition is headed up by Bruce Robison and will also involve Henk-Jan Hoving, a current post-doc at MBARI (who has posted here on occasion), who has published fairly extensively on deep-sea cephs, especially reproduction; Stephanie Bush (of Octopoteuthis behavior ethogram fame, among others); and some folks from the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

I only just found out about this so it's been a small scramble to get it sorted, but plane tickets were issued today so it looks like it's for real. Not sure what the comms situation will be on board, but I'll try to post info here as promptly as possible. Watch this space! :shock:

Update: This cruise is part of the Midwater Ecology series and the official trip blog is here.
Day 1! Too rough for the ROV Doc Ricketts to be out for long, but we did do a little trawl this evening at 400 and 200m (an hour each). Among the jellies, shrimp and myctophids were a few beautiful little cephs, notably Chiroteuthis, Histioteuthis (about 30mm ML) and Taonius (also about 30mm ML). The Histio is being brought back to the lab to see how long they can maintain it :cool2: First photo is a gonatid (about 15mm ML).



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Since I have to keep looking up her cool finds and Kat has limited internet access, I am sharing the best of what YouTube offers. Hopefully Tintenfisch will have a actual shots to add when they make port.

just saw three live Graneledone on a rock at about 1400m.

Sorry to say I don't have any photos of Graneledone (video though!), since we didn't collect any, but here are a few beauties that did come home with us. :smile: 1 - Gonatus (about 20mm ML), 2 & 3 - Galiteuthis (about 20cm ML).



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