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pygmy octopuses


Apr 16, 2005
iam in high school so getting a 50g for a bimac is out of the question so i was thinking about getting a pygmy octopus that could be housed in a 20g or less. and i was wonderin if sombody could list any good species and where to get them. I understand that they are more short lived than bigger species.
Hi and welcome to TONMO.com! :welcome:

Dwarf (or pygmy) species don't live as long as the larger species. Some give the lifespan as 6 months.

You don't have much choice in available species. What is sold as joubini is usually O. mercatoris

As for the source of small octos, Tampa Bay Saltwater somestimes sells them. We're looking around for other sources now, too.

Every year we try to keep digueti longer and longer...still unravelling mysteries, it seems...
There are a few members who keep dwarf octos...I am sure they will chime in soon.
lawngnome said:
iam in high school so getting a 50g for a bimac is out of the question so i was thinking about getting a pygmy octopus that could be housed in a 20g or less. and i was wonderin if sombody could list any good species and where to get them. I understand that they are more short lived than bigger species.
ya I now how you feel I cant get a bigger tank ether stuck with a 30 gallon but Iv seen some websites that say that a bimic can be kept in a 30 gallon. most say 50 gallon tank is the least though. Maby if you add a diy sump wich only takes some time and about 30 dallors this may improve the water volume.
On the 30 gal issue...

we have proven again and again that 30gal tanks are neither big enough nor stable enough to keep anything bigger than pygmies, the websites with this info are a bit out of date with this...

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