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Pitter patter of 1200 little feet, bless !

erich orser said:
Darn, I was going for Manfred! Anybody suggested Mandrake yet?

Do I get half credit for doing it first, but spelling it Manford?:oops:
This has got to be my most popular topic ever in two years of posting drivel, whether cephalopodan or not !:cool2: Normally, when I join in , the topic stops, thick skin me :razz:
Due to my recent success next year's rearing project is gonna be TADPOLES ! :roflmao: so don't say you weren't warned !

Have to do better than that big Kev, then French aren't called frogs for no reason ! This bit of France (don't know about the rest yet) is a frogfest !:cool2:
Nearly went for a job inseminating hens today, stopped at the brink for some unknown reason, maybe coz I don't know any French chat-up lines !:grin:

spartacus said:
Have to do better than that big Kev, then French aren't called frogs for no reason ! This bit of France (don't know about the rest yet) is a frogfest !:cool2:
Nearly went for a job inseminating hens today, stopped at the brink for some unknown reason, maybe coz I don't know any French chat-up lines !:grin:



Michel Legrand rules! All his compositioins rule. He's a great genius. Period. Like John Barry, Ennio Morricone, or Lalo Schifrin. Legrand = genius! Listen to some of his scores!
spartacus said:
This has got to be my most popular topic ever in two years of posting drivel, whether cephalopodan or not !:cool2: Normally, when I join in , the topic stops, thick skin me :razz:
Due to my recent success next year's rearing project is gonna be TADPOLES ! :roflmao: so don't say you weren't warned !


What kind?
Originally posted by Spartacus

Due to my recent success next year's rearing project is gonna be TADPOLES ! so don't say you weren't warned !

That was last summer's project for me! Of course, it was an unplanned project... My daughter says "Mommy, why are the frogs hugging???" and the next day we have 100 eggs - I successfully raised 15 (which is a good ratio for African Dwarf Frogs).

Tonmo, of course.
sorseress said:
Telford, French enough for you?
err..... maybe not !
you've not found my English/French/English dictionary perchance Sorseress ?

Cephkid, potentially they should be Hyla arborea, Rana temporaria & Rana esculenta for when I get peckish.

Erich, I seem to be right out of "A Man & a Woman", will "The Longest Day" or "Killing Zoe" have the same effect ?


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