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Pictures of Tralfaz

There sometimes in the same tank... most fiddlers are brackish as well. Red claws can live about two weeks or so in a full salt water tank thats why I go for em over fiddlers.
Hey all:

I fed Tralfaz some astrea snails last night and he seemed to like them. He took the into his burrow so I'm just assuming that he actually ate them. I've seen him make some halfhearted grabs for the shrimp but. . . no luck.

I guess that I'll stick to snails and maybe some rel leg crabs if I can get them at my LFS.

Roxy finally figured out what the shrimp in her tank were for. Before she found out, she would let them walk all over her...literally. She was eating two crabs the other day and one was bugging the mess out of her. She finally reached up and yanked it down and shuved it in place with the two crabs. I had over a dozen shrimp in the tank at that time...the next morning I could only find 4!!!
LOL Sideways:

Tralfaz hasn't figured out who is in charge yet. Last night I watched a peppermint shrimp chase him away from a snail he was about to pounce on. How pathetic, some of the shrimp are becoming quite brash with him. I have a feeling that its only a matter of time until he figures out that they are quite tasty! :shock: Until then, Snails it is!
Yup, once he figures it out, it"ll be all over for the shrimp! I put a fiddler crab in today while Rox was out. Well the crab landed upside down and didn't move. Roxy just sat there and looked at it. 2 shrimp came down to investigate and started having a tug of war with the upside down crab. Roxy floated over top up them, opened like a parachute and came down on all three of them. The shrimp shot out and she hauled the crab off to her cave. She doesn't go crazy over the shrimp like she does the crab, but when they bug her, she's not afraid to put her foot down... Or all 8 feet down for that matter! :wink2:

ps. Rox ate the two periwinkle snails that were in my tank...but I refuse to add any more because the stupid things laid eggs all over my glass.
My octo used to love fiddlers and crayfish. He wouldn't touch the red crabs, but I think it was a matter of preference. Also, the red crabs do seem to last longer in the saltwater.

Hmmm, you are all making me want to do the water changes I have been putting off and get my tank ready for a new bimac. I still have a credit from fishsupply.com for one.

joshsaul...what are you waiting for then?????????
?????????? :lol:
Hey all:

I found that my LFS carries both ghost shrimp and crayfish. (but very rarely fiddlers but he's going to try to get me some) I gave Tralfaz 5 ghost shrimp last night and today I can't find any of them. Of course they may be hiding. I'm going to wait until the next shipmet of crayfish since the ones in the LFS all seem to be a bit big for Tralfaz. Some of them were almost twice his size.

I watched him stalking a camel shrimp today. Quite pathetic :roll: everytime he would lunge the shrimp easily evaded him. Then it would tap him on the head with its feelers. I'm sure it was doing this to keep track of him but it looked like it was mocking him, you know hitting him on the head and saying "you ain't so tough". Geez, I hope Tralfaz perfects his hunting technique soon, this is getting embaressing. :oops:

Hi George,

It's taken Ollie some time to learn how to catch shrimp. Even after I had salt-water shrimp in the tank, I added some ghost shrimp again so he had something to catch easily while he was learning. He came with the ability to catch and eat crabs and snails. Everything else has been a learning experience, even ghost shrimp.

I've noticed that our little bimacs eat different things. You might try fresh (never frozen) scallop - just buy one. (If fact, when you say you have a baby octopus to feed, sometimes you get things for free!) Ollie really likes this, and I give him a just a small piece each day.


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