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Jan 1, 2024
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I've been researching the newly published book Octopus Biology and Ecology. I've been reading about the different kinds of parasites octopuses can get.

How do you identify them with a living specimen? I know with saltwater fish, you can identify flukes with freshwater dips, ich and velvet. However, are there visible parasites we should look for that can be treated with medications typically used in the saltwater aquaria? IE. Prazipro, metroplex, kanaplex

I deworm my pufferfish because I feed live foods. Should this be practiced in octopuses as well once they accept non-live foods?

I currently have a UV sterilizer on my octopus tank; however, I don't have it plugged in. The original purpose of the UV was the management of algae, but can a UV also help with parasites in this setup if they even get parasites that are free-floating in the water for the sterilizer to eradicate?
I've been researching the newly published book Octopus Biology and Ecology. I've been reading about the different kinds of parasites octopuses can get.

How do you identify them with a living specimen? I know with saltwater fish, you can identify flukes with freshwater dips, ich and velvet. However, are there visible parasites we should look for that can be treated with medications typically used in the saltwater aquaria? IE. Prazipro, metroplex, kanaplex

I deworm my pufferfish because I feed live foods. Should this be practiced in octopuses as well once they accept non-live foods?

I currently have a UV sterilizer on my octopus tank; however, I don't have it plugged in. The original purpose of the UV was the management of algae, but can a UV also help with parasites in this setup if they even get parasites that are free-floating in the water for the sterilizer to eradicate?
The UV has to have really low flow for it to be effective against free swimming parasites. Thats the catch they have to be free floating. I have a large one on my Reef tank but by the time they get to the UV through the sump I often ask myself if it was even worth it.

And remember they dont kill anything just makes it to where they cant reproduce.
The UV has to have really low flow for it to be effective against free swimming parasites. Thats the catch they have to be free floating. I have a large one on my Reef tank but by the time they get to the UV through the sump I often ask myself if it was even worth it.

And remember they dont kill anything just makes it to where they cant reproduce.
I have a UV just for algae control in my large predator tank… I have one set up for my octopus tank I just never plugged it in. I guess it wouldn’t really matter for free floaters due to octopuses just being the singular animal in there.. it would likely already have it
I have a UV just for algae control in my large predator tank… I have one set up for my octopus tank I just never plugged it in. I guess it wouldn’t really matter for free floaters due to octopuses just being the singular animal in there.. it would likely already have it
The main benefit I see for octopus would be keeping water clear and reducing the algae growth as it would be difficult for clean up crew/utility fish

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