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Octopus venom

The bluering is special in that it has a different venom to most octos - in that it can kill you. Most(if not all other?) octos have a toxin know as cephalotoxin (spelling?), that knocks out prey when they "spit" it at them.
Cephalotoxin sounds rather generic to me, and it wouldn't surprise me if there are a few variations in the chemical/s used between species.

One reason I think this is because O. Rubescens seems to have a very strong bite, even when compared to much larger octopuses.
Good stuff there ! To answer you quickly, yes, all octos have venom of some sort, differing in toxicity not only by species, but also by location. The dwarf varieties seem to have a tendency to have more potent venoms than the larger types, but most are not able to inflict a fatal bite on a human being.
cthulhu77 said:
Good stuff there ! To answer you quickly, yes, all octos have venom of some sort, differing in toxicity not only by species, but also by location. The dwarf varieties seem to have a tendency to have more potent venoms than the larger types, but most are not able to inflict a fatal bite on a human being.

BUT it is possible to be allergic to the bite..........anyone with a seafood allergy should be extra careful!

if you search forums on "blue ring" you'll get a lot more info, too, by the way... the toxin details have been discussed on a number of threads.:bluering:

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