Octopus Garden opens at Legoland aquarium - News 8 KFMB


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005

Octopus Garden opens at Legoland aquarium
[SIZE=-1]News 8 KFMB[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]CARLSBAD (CNS) - The Octopus Garden exhibit at Sea Life Aquarium opened Friday, following a weeklong delay caused when an octopus refused to move into its new home. The squishy creatures are sensitive to water and temperature conditions, ...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]and more[/SIZE]

Cute, fun video here.

Can someone comment on the "up to 600 lbs" claim that we've seen many times before? I assume that'd have to be "soaking wet" :smile: but even so - isn't that much heavier than one would think? Or do we think that's about right?

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