from what i know, theres at least two movies by that name, one japanese from 1998, and an american one from 2000.... from what i can tell, Octopus 2: River of Fear has nothing to do with either of them.... i wish i could help, being a bit of a coinseur of B movies, but i havent seen either... maybe looking around on could help you out.... that where i got my info..... interestingly enough, if you put in 'octopus', ten movies come up....except for the three in the last 4 years, theyre all before 1965! someones wake those hollywood people up and give cephs more screen time.... maybe if we could persuade the deep fried live! people to be more consistant, maybe a ceph renaissance in movies.... after all, being in the peoples consciousness as a freak/alien/nemesis in the movies is still being in their thoughts.... well that is as long as they dont take a 'jaws' approach to them, but that a tad harder to do with smaller critters.....