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[News] Blue-Ring Octopus snack buffet kills two in Vietnam.

Re: [News] Blue-Ring Octopus snack buffet kills two in Vietn

Hmm, I wonder if the blue-ring was misprepared, or if they simply weren't aware of the species. I know poisonous blowfish are a popular delicacy in Japan, but mispreparation can be fatal. Just the right amount of toxin, however, can be hallucinogenic, I recall reading...
:rainbow: :squidwar: :rainbow:

:shock: Are you even able to eat a Blue ringed? Do people actually do this without ill affects??? Just curious... Obviously it's not recommended..... but wonder if they do cook them somewhere and safely remove the poison??
Hmmm. That doesn't seem to make sense...the flesh of a blue ring octo isn't poisonous, and the venom is based on a neurotoxin, which shouldn't cause that much damage if ingested. After all, it is an injectable venom...I wonder if they just didn't get it rotten, or full of botulism ? The fugu deaths are caused by tetradotoxin and its varieties, which are deadly if ingested...I could be wrong though.
thats what i was thinking, the fubu fish toxin is through the skin glands and not a venom like the BRO...

Maybe its a first?
I used to practise Fugu for beginners when I was a "Roger the lodger"
many moons ago & it goes like this:

remove frozen chicken joint from freezer, place under medium grill turning occassionally until skin is black & crunchy & serve with whatever you can find. Never had any trouble trouble :bonk:

The octopus trouble could have been dodgy cutlery, in most UK pubs it's safer to drink your beer out of the pub cat's litter tray than out of the glasses :yuck: & never ever ever ever eat the free peanuts !
Did they have fly agaric soup for their hors d'oeuvre :rainbow: with digitalis & laburnum bread coz that can upset a sensitive tum.
spartacus said:
The octopus trouble could have been dodgy cutlery, in most UK pubs it's safer to drink your beer out of the pub cat's litter tray than out of the glasses :yuck: & never ever ever ever eat the free peanuts !
All true....i'm really missing that extra kick the litter tray gives to the beer... (note to self: Never ever drink Tui again...that stuff is really foul).
I was also told that u can't get a good Guinness in NZ because their water is too clean :cry: :cry:

Re: [News] Blue-Ring Octopus snack buffet kills two in Vietn

lifetrance said:
Hmm, I wonder if the blue-ring was misprepared, or if they simply weren't aware of the species. I know poisonous blowfish are a popular delicacy in Japan, but mispreparation can be fatal. Just the right amount of toxin, however, can be hallucinogenic, I recall reading...
:rainbow: :squidwar: :rainbow:


But Isn't cephalotoxin related to tetrodotoxin? Also if any cuts, grazes or ulcers in the mouth the poison would get it!

Not positive here, but I do believe that ceph venoms are meant to be injected...any contact with mucous membranes would cause irritation, but death? Hmmm....jury is out on that one.
Hapalochlaena venom contains tetrodotoxin, if my sources are to be believed. I would expect that it works much faster if it's injected as opposed to being absorbed through the lining of your guts.

:bluering: :arrow: :angel:

I know this thread is a bit old, but for all who posted here, this link may have some answers. The auther of this states that almost the entire animal(flesh, organs, arms, glands, et cetra) carriers tetrodotoxin. So if it is anything like the Metasepia Sp. I think injesting it would not be a healthy choice.

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