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New Plan seems to yeild new eggs!


Colossal Squid
Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Jan 22, 2004
I got thought I might be getting so many bandensis dud eggs because I had too many males for my females, so I put the cuttle condo into action and divided the tank in 1/2. 4 males on one side, and 3 females and 2 males on the other.
Then I went away for the weekend and came back to two clutches of eggs, haven't counted but looks to be easily more than 50, that look much better than previous batches.

Heres hoping!

Good news!! Im excited for you..

I will be completing my moving to a new place in San francisco in February, so perhaps Ill be set up in time to buy some of the next generation off of you!!

Sad me with no cephs at the moment =(
bandensis origin

Hi Thales,

I was referred to you by Jennifer (cuttlegirl) because I am trying to identify the area that her female cuttle is from. We have some of her eggs that have hatched and I want this info for proper scientific documentation. Currently, the hatchlings are part of a growth project that will eventually be published. Any help or advice you can give is greatly appreciated!

Chrystal Crain, Production Lab Manager
I was told they came from Bali. :D

cjcrain;87209 said:
Hi Thales,

I was referred to you by Jennifer (cuttlegirl) because I am trying to identify the area that her female cuttle is from. We have some of her eggs that have hatched and I want this info for proper scientific documentation. Currently, the hatchlings are part of a growth project that will eventually be published. Any help or advice you can give is greatly appreciated!

Chrystal Crain, Production Lab Manager

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