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New octo coming!!!!

Sorry Deb -- hang in there, we know you can do it well, you've done it before, and you've gained great experience along the way.
Is your area suffering from the really cold weather????
No Colin matter of fat its kinda hot here for Jan. friday it got to the 70's, but you know how Texas weather can be, and OMG the thunderstorms we had that day. We've been wearing shorts for over a week now. Oh my, i should have told Jack that, but it never crossed my mind in our quick conversations, before he told me he would be checking the weather, guess i didnt think about that :bugout:
only other thing i can think of is that your test kits are out of date.. they are normally good for six months or maybe your hydrometer is erroneous??? can you check them at a LFS? they may test your water and you can compare it to your readings???
ok I took my water to the sw LFS, everything was normal except the nitrate was at 10ppm. :? Still not bad at all. Oh well I will keep trying.. maybe its just bad timing :cry:

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