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New Master Student


Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hello everyone.

I'm Felipe, a new master student at AUT (New Zealand), originally from Colombia. For ythe next two years I will be working, under Steve O'shea's whip, on octopus aquaculture and conservation and have found TONMO to be of great help.

If anyone can give me a hand, or an article related to this topic, I will be most greatful.

Nice meeting everyone,


i suggest steal Steve's Neil Diamond memorabilia and hold it for ransom to ensure good grades.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Felipe, you must not pay any attention to the positively dastardly, wicked, and treacherously eveeeeel WK!!

The whip is only part of the costume :goofysca:

(And yes, he has superb taste in music; unlike TPOTH!)
Steve O'Shea said:
(And yes, he has superb taste in music; unlike TPOTH!)


nobody likes me anyway... :cry:

Life is just sooo unfair... i'd shoot myself if i could afford it... :cry: I have to resort to violent "music" to fry what's left of my brain ;)

--just misunderstood
they dont misunderstand us, theyre just jealous....

just sneak into :oshea: 's office and replace the cds with something better....

WhiteKiboko said:
just sneak into :oshea: 's office and replace the cds with something better....
I wouldn't do that! Mr WK, you should be ashamed of yourself!!
good plan... must practice those ninja skillz somehow
No really! no way I would even contemplate such a dastardly deed!
off to find some real eeevil musak
Neil Diamond is the one and only true king of music
and i just thought of the perfect fall guy... excellent
*rubs hands*


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