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New Master Student


Aug 2, 2004
Hello everyone.

I'm Felipe, a new master student at AUT (New Zealand), originally from Colombia. For ythe next two years I will be working, under Steve O'shea's whip, on octopus aquaculture and conservation and have found TONMO to be of great help.

If anyone can give me a hand, or an article related to this topic, I will be most greatful.

Nice meeting everyone,

Felipe, you must not pay any attention to the positively dastardly, wicked, and treacherously eveeeeel WK!!

The whip is only part of the costume :goofysca:

(And yes, he has superb taste in music; unlike TPOTH!)
Steve O'Shea said:
(And yes, he has superb taste in music; unlike TPOTH!)


nobody likes me anyway... :cry:

Life is just sooo unfair... i'd shoot myself if i could afford it... :cry: I have to resort to violent "music" to fry what's left of my brain ;)

--just misunderstood
they dont misunderstand us, theyre just jealous....

just sneak into :oshea: 's office and replace the cds with something better....

WhiteKiboko said:
just sneak into :oshea: 's office and replace the cds with something better....
I wouldn't do that! Mr WK, you should be ashamed of yourself!!
good plan... must practice those ninja skillz somehow
No really! no way I would even contemplate such a dastardly deed!
off to find some real eeevil musak
Neil Diamond is the one and only true king of music
and i just thought of the perfect fall guy... excellent
*rubs hands*


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