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new guy


Sep 18, 2004
hello all. I have had a marine tank for about 6 years. I want to change to an octopus tank. I have a bunch of questions. I used copper safe a few years ago. Will this be lethal to an octopus. I live on Long
Island NY, can I use tap water that has sat for a few days? should I put a carbon bag in the wet dry sump? Is the Bimac the best choice? How often should it be fed? :bonk:
Re: new guy

abloom said:
hello all. I have had a marine tank for about 6 years. I want to change to an octopus tank. I have a bunch of questions. I used copper safe a few years ago. Will this be lethal to an octopus. I live on Long
Island NY, can I use tap water that has sat for a few days? should I put a carbon bag in the wet dry sump? Is the Bimac the best choice? How often should it be fed? :bonk:

:welcome: abloom you've come to the right place! I suggest you read the articles on ceph care by Nancy and Colin. They are a really good place to start.

One thing I do know tho' you can NEVER use a tank that has had copper in it (however far back in the dim distant past) Cephs are extremely sensitive to copper and I've never seen it effectively removed enough for them.

Given that I'm down under in NZ I would know about the tap water in Long Island!

As for feeding most octis need fed every day. I've never held Bimacs tho'. there are others on this forum who keep them and will have a good handle on their eating habits.


Hi, and welcome to TONMO.com!

Jean is right about the copper. If you've ever used a copper treatment of any sort, you can't use that tank for an octopus.

We have a lot of information for people who have never kept an octo before. Have a look at Colin's Equipment List and my Checklist for starters. You'll find the articles by clicking on Ceph CAre above. There are other helpful articles, too.

You need RO/DI water for your octo, or at least RO (reverse osmosis). water. You will also need carbon and a protein skimmer for an octo.

You can come over to the Ceph Care forum and ask any other questions you might have.

Welcome to tonmo! Sorry the news was disheartening for you, regarding the copper...on the bright side, tank prices are falling, so perhaps you could sell your tank to a fishkeeper, and get a clean one?

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