I need help. My pet octopus is behaving funny. I can't tell if he's eating. I've bought small crabs (emerald) and shrimp (peppermint) but I can't tell if he's eating them. The crabs are still there but the shrimp are gone. I thought they were messy eaters?? I don't see any carcases. I don't know if the crabs are eating the shrimp or what? The Octopus (Fred) isn't as active as when I first got him (last week) and he stays on the the glass (of the aquarium) a lot, kinda balled up and I noticed that his tenticles (arms) are always curled up now. What does that mean? All of 'em are swirled up kinda like locks of hair or something. He didn't do that before so I'm kinda worried. In the tank with him are a SailFin Tang, small Green Spotted Puffer, Emerald Crabs, Saltwater feeder shrimp and live rock. I built a cave for him but he rarely goes inside. Sometimes during the day but he mostly stays on the glass. He hasn't tried to escape. I've tried feeding him thawed shrimp and other meaty foods by rubbing them on his suckers but he just pulls away. He's not very big. His mantle's a little bigger than my thumb and his arms stretch out about 12-15". Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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