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N00blet questions

thanks for your help hyslop
I think I have most of the info i need, now i just need the money.
i guess i could whore myself out to a dozen really ugly chicks for 100 bucks
that shouldo it:)
matticus;80228 said:
Also, can i trust ebay for skimmers and such? i found a skimmer/filter for 60$ canadian that's rated for a 175 gallon tank. It looks pretty legit, but I dont want to get ripped off. So I need a second opinion or opinions

I got a "Super Vortex" Venturi skimmer on ebay that I am happy with.
This is like mine, but mine came with the submersible pump. In the photo you can see it going to the refugium to the right and all the gunk it collected in the gallon milk jug.



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matticus;80181 said:
alright, update
I found a Not so LFS that can get their hands on tank-raised bimacs, he also gave me specs as to what i should spend to get one, i was wondering if what he said sounds reasonable.
he said i should spend about 500 on a protein skimmer
he said i should get another rena filstar Xp3 (i already have one)
as well as a couple hundo for live rock, etc.
he said i'm looking at about a grand.

is that about right?
cause if it is....i need a job, and fast

500 on a skimmer for a 90G tank? dang that is a ton for a heavy waste critter like a Octo I would think a EV180 would be more then enouugh as its rated for 200g I run a ETSS 800 in my 150G (reef tank and it can suck the protain out of a zoo at 20 paces) even that wasn't 500.
well that guy must have been a tool.
what about the rest of his quote, he said that 90 lbs of live rock, and the same of live sand would suffice for an octo.
..ebay here i come
Anyone who tries to sell you live sand is a con-artist, in my not-so-humble opinion. If you have live rock, you'll have live sand soon enough.

i see, i see
so just live rock then?
i was looking on ebay and found some live sand for like 1.50CDN a lb. i thought that was pretty dandy. And it was a store's site too, it wasnt some yuppie selling nothing. But I'll listen to you guys since your the octo experts, and im the not so expert.
I have another question
is a deep sand bed(4''+) better than a shallow one (less than 4'')?
Stores want your money just as much as anyone :)

Saying sand is "live" just means it is from an established aquarium and contains some denitrifying bacteria and maybe some 'pods. Now, if you buy some cheap bagged sand and put it in your aquarium with some live rock, your sand will become "live" soon enough for a lot less money.

You don't need a deep sand bed: only an inch or so will be enough. A deep sand bed will slowly absorb nitrates and some people really like them for reef tanks. Fish only (or ceph only!) tanks generally create a lot more nitrogen waste, and nitrates will build up too fast for a DSB to be worthwhile.

ahh i see
well i already have the cheap beach sand.
does it matter that it was used for a freshwater tank before hand?
i'll wash it thoroughly and all that jazz

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