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My squid toy photos

krin said:
I checked out the conference website the other day and couldn't even afford to go for the day! Sigh.

I do intend to look into going to Tasmania in March to get away from the STUPID Commonwealth Games here in Melbourne. Maybe I'll just wave at passing squid on the way over...


I TOTALLY recommend going to the Salamanca Market on Saturdays in Hobart! Great atmosphere, great bargains to be had and one of the cafes does yummy sourdough bread!

Jean said:
I TOTALLY recommend going to the Salamanca Market on Saturdays in Hobart! Great atmosphere, great bargains to be had and one of the cafes does yummy sourdough bread!

Really? I'll have to remember that for February. Markets are always really cool places. They really give you a feel for the locals and the community.

main_board said:
Really? I'll have to remember that for February. Markets are always really cool places. They really give you a feel for the locals and the community.


OOOh Yeah ! I'll be there!!...........unless I'm somewhere else of course :grin:

I'd love to have one. I'm in Mississippi, if you PM me I'll give you the details. And just in case, I'd like a green one with red arms :D
Pretty please with a sea scorpion on top :D
main_board said:
I didn't think there was anything planned on Saturday for the workshops/conference. What have you got up your sleeve?


Don't think so, but I am a beader and there is a bead shop in Moonah! (a burb of Hobart), Or I may do as last time visit the market and then do a tour of Hobart or something...............haven't really decided! Prob play by ear!


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