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MiniCon - MACNA Orlando 2010


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Sep 4, 2006
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I attended MACNA in Orlando and was able to meet up with "The Man with the octopus on his head" (mentioning octopuses in the smoking area and around the show alway brought out this identification from strangers :mrgreen:). I also saw L82Rise (and weighted down with his free finds - unfortunately I forgot to take a picture).

Additionally, I carried three others with me vicariously. The photo in the hotel with the "Octopus Whisperer" Mug is LMecher in effigy (Thank you again and again Linda for this prized posession). The photo with me presenting the book to Martin Moe represents Nancy and Colin (Richard is the photographer :heee:)


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Very cool. ob, still need you for the big event! Ball is still in my court.
OB, all the people were local (US), you didn't send me any internationals for this one so you have to work double time for TONMOCON :grin:
Super fun event and nice to see ceph people out in force. Cephs are starting to be a hot topic!

D - if you have any notes about my talk please shoot me a pm. I almost never get feedback from knswledgable ceph people.
I was hoping you were adding some pictures :hmm: when I saw you posted on the thread. I did have a technical question and will PM when I get back (still in FL) on Thurs.
Side trip on the return leg from MACNA - Meeting with Paul Sachs

Not really MACNA but on the trip home I stopped by St. Augustine and met Paul Sachs. I have been a Sachs Systems Aquaculture customer for years (even before I kept Octopuses) but have never had the opportunity to meet Paul in person so I took a detour :grin:


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Final post for MACNA mini-con

Fish_Guy (new TONMO member and supporter) serendipitiously sat with us at dinner on Sat night. I did not realize he was an Atlanta Reef Club member (I am not active on the site and not yet a club member) at the time but ran into him again at Richard's presentation and at the ending raffle. I really wanted the 45 cube and the glass octopus but won neither. He had forgiven me for winning the rather nice MarineLand light at our table and offered a 40 gallon tank he had in the garage when I pouted that I needed a larger tank for Monty that could go in the breakfast room. For the "cost" of moving his newest acquisition to the living room, we acquired the tank and stand this Sunday. His plans are to move the reef to the new tank (fantastic buy) and then use his current 60 for cuttlefish (hence the our meeting up at Thales' talk). I can't take credit for recuiting him though as when I suggested he join us his reply was that he already had :wink2:


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