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[Featured]: Metasepia Hatchling Journal

Sorry I haven’t been posting that many updates. I’ve been busy and not a whole lot has been going on with the little guy lately. He has, however, grown quite a bit and accepts the biggest grass shrimp/prawns I have been able to get. I also took him out of the isolation box cause it was time for more room. The main tank is still too big and I need to keep the food close. So I used a divider and some mesh to give him the entire front width of the tank and about 6 inches back. I also have a much nicer video of feeding that I will upload soon.

Hi everyone I’m sorry it took so long for a final update. After about 7 months of nothing particularly exciting, just good eating and normal cuttle things, the little one went into senescence. He just started to be less and less interested in food, was getting weaker, and eventually wouldn’t try to eat at all. Overall I’m super grateful to have had this opportunity and I learned so much. If I ever get the opportunity to try again I think I’ll get way better results. I hope this thread can be useful to anyone else who might be working with flamboyants and maybe myself when I need the notes down the road.

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