Look who lives in my liverock!


Staff member
Nov 20, 2002
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I finally got a decent pic of my tiny brittlestar with black-and-white striped legs. Each leg is about 3/4 inch long - I believe he has 5 of them. He lives in a hole in the liverock and is normally very hard to see (I used a flash and greatly enlarged the photo).

He is a filter feeder and will catches small fragments of flakes. Actually, I now squirt the tiny flakes suspended in salt water by using a turkey baster - that way I make sure he gets food every day.

That's a nice little brittle star. I've got little ones, too, but they're always gray or white without the snazzy stripes.

I have little white ones too, but they come out and crawl around.
Marvin (that's what I've named him) is special.

It was Colin who advised me to take a large magnifying glass and examine my live rock to discover all the small interesting things living there. If you haven't tried this, you should.

Hey Nancy,

Marvin is gorgeous! He looks abit like our sand brittle stars.............except ours ar scavengers! and are two shades of brown!

A brittle star (sometimes called a serpent star) is related to sea stars and sea urchins (and sea cucumbers and crinoids). They have five very flexible arms connected to a central disk.

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