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It's Coming!!!!!

Turning lighter when he sees you is a sign of recognition. Turning very white can be fear. Your octo will try to match to colors around him. I found the ability to assume colors got more sophisticated as my bimac grew older.

Just reading about your inking incident!!! Funny all the octos seem to be different on this. Now, Ink used to ink quite a bit when she was younger. Same type. Very mucasy! Now G2 for a few months there would ink probably every couple days and the amount in the tank would make it have a cloudy haze for a few hours. Never seemed to affect him at all, as well as the resident shrimp in the tank. He would just startle if myself or Jess approached the tank too fast. Now, I have to admit, I do causiously approach the tank, till I am sure he knows I'm there. He does still startle alittle like he's going to jet away, but the inking has subsided.

Also, G2's colors are amazing. When he's hunting he can be a dark chocolate brown. When he's sitting watching me, he gets totally textured and can change from a light color to a sort of zebra pattern. When he's sleeping, he's the blueish color you mentioned. Maybe yours was asleep and thats why he startle and inked!

Glad to hear he's doing so well!!!

My octo caught his third crab today and is still eating it (2hrs later). I've offered him some frozen food, but he just took the chopsticks and pushed them away from me. I tried sticking it in an empty shell and offering it to him that way (he always recognizes the shell and grabs for the crab), but he seemed to know what I was up to. Well, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again! :grad:

how big is yoru tank again

and how long did it take your octopus to start roaming around

i just got mine in 4 or 5 days ago and hes in a 240 , hes really not that energitic yet
Mine is in a 30 gallon (I know...a little small!) He came out about a week-ish after. They're amazing creatures! Congrats on your purchase! What are you feeding him? I've been trying to wean mine off of the clams onto frozen foods, but she's too stuborn. (I believe she's a female...I couldn't see the "mitt" or the "canal" on any of her arms.
Oh! Just wondering if you know how quickly these pups are supposed to grow. One site said double weight every week...but I can't notice much difference in his size. thanks

The growth seems slow at first but maybe it's just because they're so small. You notice it more when they're larger.

It's very difficult to sex a bimac - so, just pick M or F as you prefer, and you'll find out eventually.

A few octos never learn to accept frozen food - but most do. It's good to always offer some live food rather than moving entirely to frozen food and offer a little variety in the diet.


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