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Introducing -- the TONMO.com Octopodcast (pilot episode: Episode 1)

Hey Tony if you want to use stuff like octopus' garden on the podcast you need to contact the harry fox agency and maybe even get a master use license. Since I seem to remember that you had a radio background you may already know this. My band has to pay $.091 per cover song per CD for rights but since we sell the cds this may not apply to the podcast. As for original music, we're going into the studio next week, so I'll try to get something ready to send you if we have any left over studio time.
I renamed the original Octopodcast discussed above to "the pilot" episode.

The next one, Episode 1, has been mostly recorded, featuring an interview with Carol Sauer! Unfortunately, about an hour after conducting the interview she found eggs in Egor's tank! So I missed that breaking news by about an hour :sad:...

But it's a really great interview. I'll finish it up and post it by the weekend.
Finally got to listen to the pilot. Tony, I find amazing that you have the juice to get all that you do done! Thanks!

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