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Interpreting behaviour.

Bev R.

Sep 9, 2024
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Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and octopus in general, it's taken me some time to get up the nerve to post anything. So, I work at an aquarium, and have become obsessed with our Common octopus, she's AMAZING! I come to work early every day & spend every lunch break hanging out with her and seem to have built up a pretty good bond (or maybe that's just me anthropomorphising the situation). Anyway, I would REALLY appreciate some guidance and advice. Some days the octopus will spend 30 minutes with me, sitting on my hand, we often play 'catch' with a blue brick, or she may just hold on to me. She has never squirted me with water, yet today she squirted my colleague, who doesn't spend much time with her, 3 times. How would you interpret this? Also, what's the likelihood of being biten by a common in an aquarium? Her tank is 3,000 litres btw, with lots of hiding spaces, so it's her choice to approach.
LOL - that's great. I've never personally built a bond with a ceph but this is how it's been described in our community. The squirting is probably as you expect -- "go away, you're a 3rd wheel!" :lol:

I can't speak to chances of being bitten... if you've formed a bond, probably quite low. Here's a thread on bites:

Welcome, and thanks for joining our community!
Hi there!! She's amazing! No bites ha ha She's my little bestie! Growing really big. I was actually considering posting on here again to ask people's opinions. My common will let go of my hand, go down to the bottom of the tank, spread her webbing and flash bright white. I interpret it as her being happy, as when I take my hand out of the water she immediately reaches for me. Some days she can 'flash' 3 or 4 times, yet she rarely does it with any of my colleagues 🤔 Any thoughts?
Her brightness isn't as evident due to the protective lighting we have.


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