Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and octopus in general, it's taken me some time to get up the nerve to post anything. So, I work at an aquarium, and have become obsessed with our Common octopus, she's AMAZING! I come to work early every day & spend every lunch break hanging out with her and seem to have built up a pretty good bond (or maybe that's just me anthropomorphising the situation). Anyway, I would REALLY appreciate some guidance and advice. Some days the octopus will spend 30 minutes with me, sitting on my hand, we often play 'catch' with a blue brick, or she may just hold on to me. She has never squirted me with water, yet today she squirted my colleague, who doesn't spend much time with her, 3 times. How would you interpret this? Also, what's the likelihood of being biten by a common in an aquarium? Her tank is 3,000 litres btw, with lots of hiding spaces, so it's her choice to approach.