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[Biology & Species] Incredibly Rare Footage Of Bigfin Squid 3,300 Meters Deep In The Pacific | IFLScience


Robotic Staff
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Robotic Staff
Oct 15, 2005
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Bigfin squid if deep sea Pacific Ocean. Bigfin squid have only been observed a handful of times, so little is known about their behavior. Image ...

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Interesting behaviors here; the "noodle" arms seem to be probing or maybe spread to capture particles on those arms... and at one point seems to get "stuck" and tries pulling away. Any insights on this encounter, @jeffday, @GPO87? I don't recall reading about this one anywhere.
yeah this is a fresh sighting from inkfish/deepseauwa. magnapinna's been observed to float above the seafloor with its arms trailing parallel to the bottom on a number of occasions including the first video observation:

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