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i thinks i have a briareus???

:welcome: To Tonmo!!!! 8) That last pic,,, now thats a pretty octo... It is a Braireus. That green huge and those big eyes and the webbing,,, got to be one... Arent they great :P Oh by the way, anyone want one LOL Im fixing to have a few on hand LOL well its 4am on Friday and Im off to galveston to collect Mysid shrimp for the babies. Will be back on Sat. night or sunday.

Again Welcome to Tonmo, and I cant wait to hear all about your adventures with the new octo. The bites kinda hurt but not bad enough to not have octos. Just try not to make it mad like I did :roll: :wink2:
well, this is a tropical species and anywhere between 75 - 80 would be best :)

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