I GUESS ill never get an octopus again , octopets was my way and i cant get ahold of


Aug 21, 2004
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i cant get ahold of him
i talked to him a week and a ahalf a go and he told me to email him my order its been 2 weeks i cant get ahold of him , no emails, all i get is an answering machine

ill give it one more week and im going to get an eel or somethign im tired of looking at an empty 250 gallon tank
Ahhh...you should have been around in the 70's, when you might wait for a year or two for an octopus !!!

Patience...keeping a ceph is nothing more than a game of patience...

I would wait.


Patience is a virtue. I have been waiting to hear back from anyone (or Jim) at Octopets since February. Waiting for an octopus is managable if somewhat uncomfortable, but waiting for a response from a human can be maddening.
marinerules said:
i cant get ahold of him
i talked to him a week and a ahalf a go and he told me to email him my order its been 2 weeks i cant get ahold of him , no emails, all i get is an answering machine

ill give it one more week and im going to get an eel or somethign im tired of looking at an empty 250 gallon tank
If you saw the place you'd understand. :wink2:

The phone and computer is in a small trailer off to the side. Jim is usually over where all the tanks are (not close to the phone), or in the cuttlefish or seahorse hatchery (probably couldn't hear a bomb go off in there).

Thanks to the California rains and the recent loss, he's still trying to catch up. He does have a new batch coming soon though so try to hang in there! :smile:
I too plan to buy from octopets.com, should I start to place an order now since I hope to have one in the next 2-3 weeks? My tank is all up and running, its not dialed as Im working out some sound issues (adjusting standpipes etc) and I have yet to make it "octo proof".

I hear this same complaint many of places and times, should I try and start the "order process" now so I can have one in the next month or two?
I wouldn't order until you are ready...you might want to call/email and give him a head's up, but don't despair if you don't hear back right away...Jim is just very busy !

Good luck on your new setup...be sure to send in pics!
I would not give up. the ordering process is hard but it goes like this you put in your order via email when he has some ready to ship you will get an email from dhl saying your order is shipped and then he comes the next day. We also waited months for our octo and we were playing with the idea of getting something else too, but then one day we got the email saying it was on its way and I am glad we waited, He is so cool. I found the best time to get a hold of Jim was by calling him at noon EST. usually I would get an answer.
I went ahead and ordered one last night, Im all ready for it with the exception of octo proofing the lid. Im real handy with acrylic and have lots laying around so I can do it quickly if need be, plus, a brick works well in the mean time :)

I hope it will come this week, but in reality, it sounds like it wont be for a few months even though the website says they are available.

At least I know ahead of time so I dont have to stress about whats going on, Ill just assume ill find out when its on its way.

A few days notice would be nice though, to make sure Im in the office the day of delivery.
Get a large roll of duct tape and keep it and scissors near your tank. That will help in octoproofing your tank - but you can't use it under water and you need to check to make sure it's holding.

I used both duct tape AND a brick! But I allowed for ventilation by putting mesh over the vent holes in the cover.

I plan to make some acrylic covers,, Using a 3/8 inch "wire" of acrylic. Ill space the acrylic apart just right so you have to "snap" the piece into place. Then I can add an acrylic knob on top so I can pull it off. Its just a theory so it may not work but that is the plan. I can also get acrylic fasteners like clips that I can use to further secure it if necissary.

Securing the overflow is my biggest concern. I dont want Mr Mac to find himself a nice cozy home up under my stand pipe.

If it works Ill take photos of what I did, maybe others could benefit from it....

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