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How many of you plan to buy a bimac this year?


Staff member
Moderator (Staff)
Nov 20, 2002
Dallas Texas
Hi all,

I'm trying to find out what happened to Octopets and whether someone will still be breeding bimacs to sell to the public.

I realized I needed some information from you - how many of you are planning a bimac purchase this year - or would be, if they were available?

If you read the Octopets thread (Journals and Photos), you'll see what I found out today. I hope to really know what's happening by the end of the week.


I expect to purchase two this year.

My tank will be fully matured by the end of the month, so I expect to buy one as soon as available. If the little guy lives for 8-10 months, then I could conceivably have another one by year's end.

When I start talking about my bimac setup, eyes start lighting up at my lfs. I certainly can't speak for them, but I suspect not long after I get one, one or two of them might be ordering for themselves and/or a display for the store.

Nancy, thank you for doing this snooping. You're our octo-Woodward & cuttle-Bernstein. I hope you also ask on ReefCentral in the ceph forum. If the market is not adequate for the Aquafarm to rationalize a captive-bred program, I should hope it is enough to convince someone to catch wild-caught or tank-raised bimacs.

My Little Zim wont make the year so I will be looking to purchase one as well
(new 125 gal tank incoming so might get an Octo or Cuttle for that as well )
Well, it is sad to see a true pioneer out of the market, but I can certainly understand it...with the art market the way it is, we are having to hack and slash at our projects also.
Luckily, the project for breeding O. digueti is still on the table, and moving forward, albeit slowly. They can't be collected until July, so I suppose I still have a few weeks to go before panic sets in.
I plan on buying this year. BTW, I live about 30 minutes from the Octopets store (if they actually have a storefront). Has anyone drive by to check them out? I also work with a woman who's sone is a close friend of the Octopets owner...will use that angle if there is no other way to get info...
Nancy said:
Hi all,

I'm trying to find out what happened to Octopets and whether someone will still be breeding bimacs to sell to the public.

I realized I needed some information from you - how many of you are planning a bimac purchase this year - or would be, if they were available?

If you read the Octopets thread (Journals and Photos), you'll see what I found out today. I hope to really know what's happening by the end of the week.


What happened to Octopets????? :confused:

*....going off to read Journals and Photos thread now....*

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