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Mar 27, 2006
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My fish store just gave me squid eggs and I would like to know if anyone has any experience in raising squids and if there is any difference in between raising a squid and raising a cuttlefish.

I'm not 100% sure that these are squid eggs, though that's what I was told. Rather than looking like bandensis eggs, they are much more reminiscent of frog or toad eggs, yet you can see a snall squid or cuttlefish embryo inside. Any help would be most welcome.
:welcome: What does the egg mass look like? Are all the eggs stuck together and encased in a long clear "finger"? If that is the case then you have squid eggs... Are the eggs separate from one another? About how big is each individual egg? Can you see the eyes, ink sac and chromatophores? Do you live near the ocean?

Chances are, even if you have a big egged species of octopus, your survival rate of the babies is not going to be very good, but I am sure everyone at Tonmo will help you as much as we can...
Most cuttle eggs coming into the us are labeled as squid eggs. I have been trying to educate at the wholesale and collection level, but so far the progress has been slow. Yours sound like bandensis eggs.

FWIU, raising squid is more difficult that raising cuttles.

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