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Hello All!


Aug 3, 2004
8) :!:
Hello .. I'm quite impressed with ur forum as well as the group in general...had no idea that there were so many people interested in this life form...real happy that I was able to stumble on this site!
sea ya .. BlueFish :goodbye:
:welcome: BlueFish.

Enjoy the site and look forward to your contributions.


Welcome aboard!
Tonmo is indeed a gathering of unusual individuals...say, do you like Neil Diamond?
Oh god...what a can of worms we have opened !!!
(must say, Saving Silverman is one of my favorite pulp comedies, and Neil does a fair job as an actor...)
One fish two fish red fish...


I'd like to do a Neil smiley, but I'm not da Vinci enough to capture the man's utter gloriousness in a few hundred pixels.


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