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Hello all!


Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, what can I say I'm a total newby to the Ceph realm. I haven't even the slightest idea where to purchase a octopus or cuttlefish. I wouldn't dream of doing so until I learned all I could about there care anyway.

A little bit about me I am a US Army Ranger, 35 years old, married with 3 boys. I raise and breed all types of animals. Fish, mammals, and reptiles. I have wanted to get into Cephs since I was a little boy, but there just wasn't a lot of interest, at least private interest where I grew up. I'm glad I found this forum! I will probably annoy all of you asking all my "newby" questions, I just ask your patience while I learn from you. The last thing I would want to do would be to have one of these creatures suffer from my ignorance.


Welcome Tim! Great introduction, great to meet you... No worries about asking questions, that's why we're here. Be sure to dig deep and check out older discussions as well, as this site contains lots of good answers. Try the Search feature (note the "Search" link in the very-upper-right corner of this page, between "Home" and "Memberlist") -- it's a powerful, very under-utilized tool!

Glad you're here! :)
:welcome: to TONMO.com!!

We will glad grant your request. Just feel free to ask and we'll try our best to help you.

Now I ask you to bear with us for the madness and nonsense, may you be a part of it :wink2: :)

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