Hi there, I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right forum for this. We just got back from a family vacation to Maui. While snorkeling in pretty shallow sandy water, we saw two brown cuttlefish. They were both small - about an inch (?), and inked if we tried to touch them.
My question - From what I've read online, it isn't common for cuttlefish to be in a reef area, let alone in that region. Is this true? If so, does anyone have any insight about why they were there?
They were very friendly little guys and would hang out right in front of our masks.
My question - From what I've read online, it isn't common for cuttlefish to be in a reef area, let alone in that region. Is this true? If so, does anyone have any insight about why they were there?
They were very friendly little guys and would hang out right in front of our masks.