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Have you ever eaten octopus or squid/calamari?

I think that to eat a ceph shows your deepest care and love for the creature! How much closer to an animal can you get then by eating it?
it is often joked about on fish keeping forums that when your pet fish, be it an Oscar, Piranha, or whatever gets too big you can simply eat it!!!

Myself personally, I have eaten wild Hypostomus, Hoplosternum and even Aquedens but apparently, fish grown in the home aquarium taste pretty bad due to the unnatural diet and lack of exercise... wonder if same applies to cephs?
when i was four years old i ate one of my fathers fancy goldfish. and bte i love squid, calamar, and octopus, i have never eatin cuttle but want to. jellyfish i thout tasted bad. my only vice is that i refuse to eat any animal that i currently own. so if i get a cuttle then i wont be eating one
My grandpa was an old Italian Catholic who used to make spaghetti sauce with the squid rings in it which I ate as a child. He said it was both an Italian and a Catholic tradition. I recall I liked his sauce with the squid in it, but don't think I'd be so brave and daring as to try it again in my adulthood.
...That sounds tasty, wish I could have some...

Man, I havn't had squid in ages...but I did eat a single slice of tako sushi yesterday..

Of all the werid things I've eaten, jellyfish was the weridest thing I've ever had. (If you didn't count raw sturgeon...)
My twin sister ate a slug when we were 2. I've eaten raw clams and got paralytic shellfish poisoning, so no more raw sea creatures for me. I don't eat squid, cuttlefish or octopus - too cute for me to eat (same reason I don't eat anything furry... just my own opinion, I don't force my views on anyone else). Although I won't let anyone eat cephalopods in my presence at a restaurant. I used to live in Hawaii with two local guys as housemates and every chance they got, they ate Tako Poke in front of me... they were like the older brothers I never wanted...
In Hawaii recently, I saw a little food shop that was "Tako's Tacos" and had a picture of an octo on its sign. I didn't have time to stop driving and take a pic and see if they sold octopus tacos, though...
look i ate squid but the way i figure it is there are plenty more squids in the world and us humans keep the balence i mean what if there were to many squids they would over populate then they would becom extinct. i would rather eat one squid then have the entire population die because we refuse to eat squid or octopi and etc. Dont you agree?!
That somehow reminds me of Cliff Claven's famous hypothesis - if drinking kills brain cells, the weaker ones will be preyed upon preferentially. Thus as predation makes the buffalo herd collectively stronger, such is the effect of alcohol on the brain.

I mean really I do love squids I mean ever since I went to see that giant squid body I have loved squids I stood there for 5 hours just looking at that mangled body I went back there and I did the exact same thing.

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