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Have you ever eaten octopus or squid/calamari?

The most delicious octo (and in great demand) are about 0.5 kg each.
The most delicious cuttlefish are about 0.1 kg ( very little).

Could you help me in understanding something more about breeding?

Do you think it's better I open another thread?
My addiction is rubbing off on coworkers! We sent to lunch yesterday at a Chinese buffet and I'm sitting across from one of my coworkers and notice this tentacled arm sticking out from under her chicken. I asked what is that on your plate? She replied octopus, after I took it and sat back down, I hid it under my chicken so you wouldn't get upset! Turns out they had a whole pan of baby octopuses on the buffet. Where do these come from? Do they come in live? Anyway, became quite a discussion at our luncheon! And she never ate it.
i was just in spain and ate cuttlefish or shark every night and had octopus a few times. cuttlefish are my favorite pets, and my favorite food. it was better because they usually dont have it in the US.
Are any of the commonly kept pet species of octos tasty or even edible? I eat a lot of sushi, and tako is one of my favorites.
Hi all, have been away but now I'm back! I have had both, being a former squid (navy sailor) I have been all over the pacific, and have had no problem eating anything that comes from the sea. I've always been in the aquarium hobby, but after I began keeping octopus, Harvey, Henry, and Ella, I feel uncomfortable eating our ceph rulers. Any other animal is fair game, except crows. They are just disgusting, kinda taste like chicken that's been marinating in dumpster water.
I :heart: PULPO AN PULPO :heart:'S ME!!!

cant beat a good tapas with a mountain of good quality pulpo

with a plate of calamari thrown in of'course...did you ever doubt!!! :razz:
I had a friend who once picked up a dead pigeon (fresh) after it had killed itself flying into his office window, brought it in, cleaned it, cooked it in the microwave and ate it for lunch. I think he was trying to prove a point about pigeons not being as diseased as everyone says... but the point got somewhat overshadowed by the way he went about it. Don't think he actually suffered any ill after-effects either, although, come to think of it, I haven't heard from him in a while... :roll:
:lol: :lol:

wood pidgeon is meant to be really good, very gamey, yummy!!!

hope it was one of them an not feral!!! ha haa!!

I once opened up a hatch in a wall to find loads of pidgeons and babies nesting on a foot deep layer of dead pidgeons with maggots all over the place, yeah it made my belly rumble but for the wrong reasons!! uurrrggghhhhh!!!

Your mate is nuts!!! :lol:
Way back when I was a young lad, I watched my brother and his friend shoot about 3 dozen pigeons over a neighbor's corn field. They neighbor wanted the pigeons gone, and my brother and his friend wanted some target practice. They paid me to run into the field and prop the dead up in some semblance of life. Swarms of pigeons would just keep swarming in and the "decoys" just kept adding up.

Afterward they cleaned the birds and battered and fried the breasts. I have to admit they were delicious. We called them Pigeon McNuggets. I haven't had them since, though.

Sorry to ask a second time, but --- are any commonly kept pet octos edible?
Scouse said:
god you musta been hungry!!! ha haaa!!

Dear God YES! We were in the back country of Maine hunting for bear, and got nothing. But the crows seem to be plentiful, and the guide I was with, very good friend of mine, had crow before. By the way, I am not sure how a bear can smell humans, the stench that comes off a bear is insane! We finally gave up about two days later and got drunk. My friend's name is Dave, his handle is Lizzard, and it is very fitting on him!
In answer to your earlier post, O. vulgaris is harvested commercially as food and is also kept by our octo keepers. Inky is a recent example of this species, but I believe that it's around the Mediterranean Sea where most are harvested as food. As far as I can tell, we're likely to enounter vulgaris from the Caribbean.

I had calamari in Mexican restaurant in Cabo San Lucas. It had a flavor like tacos; the texture was juicy and delightful to chew. Delicious.

That was before I found this site and learned so much about your pets. I don't think it could eat it now. :roll:

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