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[Octopus]: Harvey the Bimac

Jan 1, 2024
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Today I picked up Harvey from the airport! I got him from Tomh and he is VERY active already. He immediately wanted to go into the tank upon finishing acclimation and explored and then showed this stunning display!

Since then he has found a nice little spot to hang out!

Excuse the hair algae my crabs haven’t been doing their job!

Harvey is settling in and he has found a nice cave for himself. He is VERY curious about his surroundings and I often see him watching everything outside of the tank. He is very watchful and curious about everything.

Today I attempted to hand feed him some crabs, he was interested and moved around a lot. I may have woken him up since it was around 4pm EST however he hasn’t eaten any yet as of now.

Here he is watching everything.

I noticed this morning Harvey had eaten crabs overnight and there were some left this morning before I left to run errands. When I came home they were all gone!

Harvey is warming up to me though tonight I offered him some food and after that I cleaned the glass and dug up a clam that was buried in the sand for him. I put the lid back on and began to clean the outside of the glass with cleaner and he came out of his cave and stared at me for a while watching me. He came out and said hello and explored his tank before going back in his cave.

If I had to guess I would say his mantle is 4-5 inches long. I am not the best with guessing though!
Of course the area I got a photo in has the MOST algae. This will be getting cleaned soon as I wanted to give him some time before cleaning up a little. I didn’t have time to get my lens to block out the blue.

looing great!
He has been a great eater! I had to leave in a rush this morning for my university work so I didn't get to see if he ate the clam yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because emerald crabs are expensive!! :octocash: I've thought about trying to find cockles they're smaller and most likely not as strong.... I know octopuses are strong too though..
Upon coming home tomorrow the lights in the tank were completely dark so this morning I checked and it seems that he didn’t open the clam. This evening I opened the clam he didn’t seem too interested but I offered a fresh shrimp from the seafood market (they get them in every other day) and he was hesitant at first but so far he seems to be liking it!!

Fingers crossed he won’t decide he hates it and leave it later this evening.

Interesting - how often are you feeding / have you thought about stretching feedings out a bit?
So far I’m feeding every day- except yesterday. I’ve thought about stretching feedings out a bit as well but he seems to be hungry every day… Seymour definitely didn’t eat this frequently when I kept him so I’m surprised he is wanting to eat every day to be honest.
Wow, those two blue rings are amazing! Are those common? I know a bit more about squid than I do octopuses, but I've never seen blue rings like that on anything other than a blue ring octopus.

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