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General Announcements


Staff member
May 30, 2000
Reaction score
Hi all! We've got a few things going on that I'd like to update you on.

Firstly, Melissa Hope has asked to step down as Moderator for The Octopus' Den, given the enormous amount of "real life" work (my term) she has on her plate. However, she's not going to be leaving us as a community, and has expressed willingness to help us with future events, which is great. Through her posts, Melissa has helped shape the character of our forums, making her very much a part of our TONMO.com spirit. Her work on TONMOCON I, though, was critical to its success. It basically would have been a failure without her help, but instead it was a raging success. THANKS again Melissa for setting the bar on all future TONMOCONs to come, and for your help in moderating this forum! A new Moderator for The Octopus' Den is currently being discussed.

Also, I'm very pleased to announce the addition of two new Special Contributors to the staff: Chrono_War and Erich Orser.

Chrono has been one of our most devoted members over the months and his keen interest in cephalopods will make him a valuable contributor going forward. Chrono will concentrate on our Physiology & Biology forum -- learning along with the rest of us, but contributing in a way that helps keep focus on the subject matter at hand.

Erich Orser put forth an unbelievable amount of behind-the-scenes effort to make TONMOCON I a success, and so it was easy for me to ask him to become part of our staff when I met him there. His presentation on Ceph Imagery in Art was rich and comprehensive -- those of you who didn't or couldn't make it really missed out! Erich was clearly born to be part of this community. :cool2: He will focus on Culture & Entertainment.

Lastly, please note that the Marketplace Forum is being retired in favor of a revamped [URL2=http://www.cephstuff.com]CephStuff.com[/URL2] (ongoing) and community-supporting advertising and sponsorships (don't worry; no pop-ups, flashing ads, or shoot-the-monkeys :smile:).

Say tuned for further announcements regarding updates to the site and Forum itself. There is much content on the way, and there are many enhancements to come! :cool2:
Farewell Melissa! Sorry to see you step down, but glad to know you won't be leaving altogether.

Welcome to Erich and Chrono. Have fun as Moderators, more than deserved!
Congratulations to Eric and Erich! :cool2:

Thanks to everyone for the well-wishes. Maybe I'll be ready for a tank of my own by the time I have steady work in places with good internet access!

Erich was clearly born to be part of this community. :cool2: He will focus on Culture & Entertainment.

Yes, Erich's alway been very :twisted::madsci::cyclops::goofysca:He fits right in.
Glad you're staying around Melissa and thanks for all the hard work you've put in.

Congrats to Erich and Chrono!!!!

Immune? Man, I got the impression that she was a totally scary raging lunatic. Handled herself well at TONMOcon, eh?

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