G'Day To Everyone,
First I would like to say thank you to everyone, what a wonderful site.
It always amazes me how much information you can find out here or there on the WEB.
We live in Holland Michigan.
My wife and I had been in to reef tanks for a couple years.
Our main tank is a 90 gallon with the 35 refugium and a 20 gallon sump.
Her tank is a 55 gallon hex.
I have of 50 gallon do-it-yourself grow out tank on the front porch,
it looks like a five-year-old built it for a science project at school.
But it holds water, and I grow frags in it!
My wife said I could get an octopus.
BUT( you shouldn't see that one coming)
I have to finish a couple other projects first.
First I have to finish remodeling our new bedroom.
Then I have to remodel the computer room, that's where the octopus will be living.
So it will be a couple months before I will have a home for a new octopus.
But what an incentive!
So when a get the couple degrees warmer, I will be swinging my hammer!
Some other hobbies that were into.
Web sites, every time we get a new hobby . we get a new web site.
Salt Water Tanks
Our World
The wife's site chat room lies
First I would like to say thank you to everyone, what a wonderful site.
It always amazes me how much information you can find out here or there on the WEB.
We live in Holland Michigan.
My wife and I had been in to reef tanks for a couple years.
Our main tank is a 90 gallon with the 35 refugium and a 20 gallon sump.
Her tank is a 55 gallon hex.
I have of 50 gallon do-it-yourself grow out tank on the front porch,
it looks like a five-year-old built it for a science project at school.
But it holds water, and I grow frags in it!
My wife said I could get an octopus.
BUT( you shouldn't see that one coming)
I have to finish a couple other projects first.
First I have to finish remodeling our new bedroom.
Then I have to remodel the computer room, that's where the octopus will be living.
So it will be a couple months before I will have a home for a new octopus.
But what an incentive!
So when a get the couple degrees warmer, I will be swinging my hammer!
Some other hobbies that were into.
Web sites, every time we get a new hobby . we get a new web site.
Salt Water Tanks
Our World
The wife's site chat room lies