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Freshwater Ghost Shrimp as food?


Jun 27, 2005
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As I setup my new cuttle tank. I thought about turning my current 10gal freshwater tank into a "food farm" where i can keep~breed ghost shrimp as food.

These can be fed as food can they not?
Hi Milchy,

Sorry but it's a bad idea to feed freshwater critters to marine ones, they tend to be too fatty and have other nutritional problems too. Generally speaking feed marine to marine and fresh to fresh!!


Not off the top of my head, although I have read about this somewhere (I will look it up but my memory..................?) It'a also from personal experience and from the collected notes of a 75 year old public aquarium. Our marine animals at the aquarium do very poorly on freshwater food, they don't gain weight (often they lose it!) they become lethargic and more infection prone.........they just don't stay as healthy.

Again anecdotal - but a friend who has a lot of experience with rearing marines had similar problems using freshwater gammarus compared to the marine species.
I think that fish is fine as a supplement but not as a staple diet. Its such a shame that cuttles are so tricky when it comes to feeding :( really, live shrimps and crabs are the best
A plug from your Webmaster:

ShrimpStuff.com offers live marine feeder shrimp shipped directly to your home or business, overnight via FedEx (US shipments only). The shrimp are aqua cultured and shipped from Nevada by SeaWater Express. ShrimpStuff.com offers exclusive, preferred rates.
tonmo said:
A plug from your Webmaster:

ShrimpStuff.com offers live marine feeder shrimp shipped directly to your home or business, overnight via FedEx (US shipments only). The shrimp are aqua cultured and shipped from Nevada by SeaWater Express. ShrimpStuff.com offers exclusive, preferred rates.

If there was shipping to Australia I'd buy right away!
milchy said:
IM CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!

First Cuttle Movie

that video... the shrimp in that... what are they? They look exactly like ghost shrimp?

Snacks! They are ghost shrimp in the video, but they were not the only live food they were eating. I like to use the ghost shrimp when filming because they don't 'go to ground' like the local crabs do.

I jury is out on the saltwater guppies from octopets, but Colin sums up the general feeling about them. Cephs may eat lots of different things, but that doesn't mean they are good food. James Wood was telling me about raising baby octos on frozen food. They ate it, but didn't survive very long, whole the ones eating live food survived much longer.

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