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First time father

Well...day 4 and he's still doing just perfect. I've only been turning his light on for about 4 - 6 hours per day, cause it's a pretty bright power compact. But, with the reef sitting next to his tank, there's enough light spilling through, so you can still see him.

I stopped by my friends LFS, where I work sometimes, to see if we had any small crabs, but we were out. So, I fed him a piece of krill tonight, which he readily took.
Keep an eye on ebay. You can often find people selling 100 blue leg hermit crabs or 50 nassarius snails, etc, etc for like $15.

I think that now that Octopets has stock again, people have been buying up those eBay hermit crabs pretty quickly.

Does your octopus eat snails? Mine barely looks at them. There are a few that I dropped in as a sacrifice to the octopus that are now cleaning the insides of his critter keeper. If I drop a hermit crab in, however, he'll pounce on it immediately.

I've almost exhausted my supply of clams and hermits, so I'm off again to look for new food. I'd prefer the scarlet hermit crabs, as they seem much larger than the blue legged hermits (at least from the order I bought at www.thatfishplace.com ). I've had my octo for about 4 weeks now, and he prefers the larger food. He's been growing fast! So, if anyone knows of a good place to buy scarlet hermits (or other good 'juvenile' octo feed), please let me know!
lockburn said:
Does your octopus eat snails? Mine barely looks at them. There are a few that I dropped in as a sacrifice to the octopus that are now cleaning the insides of his critter keeper. If I drop a hermit crab in, however, he'll pounce on it immediately.

He's pretty indiscriminate about what he'll eat. hahah

So far, he's eaten 2 Orange Legged Hermits, a Nass. Snail and a large piece of krill.

When he's gone eating, he'll carry the left overs out of his burrow, to the far right side of the tank and wedge it underneath a rock, to get rid of it.
AW2EOD said:
When he's gone eating, he'll carry the left overs out of his burrow, to the far right side of the tank and wedge it underneath a rock, to get rid of it.

He's got a landfill!
I woke up this morning and checked on him...couldnt find him. lol

I started to freak out a little but then found him in the very top right corner of the tank, next to the filtration return. It was a little too close to the top, for me, so I grabbed a little 6" piece of ridged airline tubing (my feeding stick), to push him down.

He grabbed onto the tubing and the little SOB actually pulled the tubing out of my hand. He's the size of a quarter, but he's STRONG! I couldnt believe it. Being poked with a piece of airline tubing really aggravates them. hahaha

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