I don't think it eat the fish. Before I got the ocvtopus, I had 2 other mollies in the tank. The started well, but both disappeared during the night. One within a day, the other one within 3 days.
I looks like it is less active, although once it starts moving again, it has the same behaviour. The two crabs in the tank are still alife, one is 1 cm big, the otherone about 2,5-3 cm.
Today I tried to wiggle a piece of thawed shrimp (peeled) on a stick in front of the octopus. Although he did touch it, he didn't do anything with it. Just like the crab and the fish. It must have noticed them (the fish same in front of it, the crabs were surely in its eyesight (which must be great, if I'm not mistaken)), but it totally ignores the food. So I don't think a clawless crab is the option.
Yesterday I also tried a piece of squid (cookec the rest myself, stuffed squid with mushrooms, paprika and pesto. Grilled it, excelent!!). I placed the squid in a glass cup in the tank, so the crabs wouldn't get it. Unfortunatly no succes.
Starting to get a bit demotivated about this one. Colin, where did you get your bimac? Any change getting it in europe?